Weight Watchers Changed My Life!

After having my baby, I needed to lose weight! I joined Weight Watchers and after five months, I lost 35 pounds. Those 35 pounds were baby weight but I ended up doing so well on the program that I lost more weight than I was before being pregnant! Weight Watchers works!

I was always that girl that could eat anything! True story, I once brought a bag full of candy bars in my carry on to Miami! We got bumped up to first class and there I was sitting in luxury with my bag of candy bars. I would eat a candy bar everyday like it was nothing. However, age slows down anyone’s metabolism. In my mid-twenties I started to gain weight and actually had to start watching what I ate. For breakfast, I would make green shakes because Dr. Oz said so. For lunch, I would make salads with lunch meat. But, when I would get home from a stressful teaching job I would eat whatever I wanted. I always felt that I watched what I ate for breakfast and lunch so I was good to eat junk food. Then, came my thirties. Dinner was now included in my “watch what I eat” category. I gained the most weight ever and it came on quick. Finally, I found a cleanse that I did that made me think about what I was eating. It was a 21 day cleanse that changed my life. I was only allowed to eat fruits and vegetables for the first 10 days. No coffee, no alcoholic drinks, no dairy, no chocolate, no chips, none of anything that I loved! I had to stop putting sugar in my coffee at first to start the process of no caffeine to start myself off of caffeine. For the first three days of the cleanse I have a severe headache from the withdrawal of caffeine. After the first 10 days, I was allowed to start eating meat, just the portion size of palm. The cleanse I did take me healthy eating plus how to eat.

Fast forward years later, I still had in mind what I had learned on the cleanse. The cleanse that I did three times and don’t want to do again. But never say never. I started eating whatever I wanted again. Then I got pregnant with my son and it was a license to eat whatever I wanted. True story, I had carvel everyday of my last trimester. I would drive myself to carvel if my husband couldn’t pick it up for me.

My long journey of food has brought me to Weight Watchers. My favorite person in the whole wide world became the spokesperson and part owner of Weight Watchers. Yes, I’m in love with Oprah Winfrey. I am one of those people that believe in what she does and says. So, I got on board with Oprah and Weight Watchers. Plus, through my job I got a discount. Overall it was a sweet score. Like I said, I did great with it. I would use their app everyday and when I would food shop I would scan the items to find out the points. It was such a helpful tool that when the app would be down I wouldn’t know what to do. I was thinner than I ever was but, like everything in life there are peaks and valleys. I got into a valley with “holidays” and “holiday eating.” So here I am back at Weight Watchers. I gained back 10 pounds and I am determined to lose it and be in the best health and shape possible. I believe in the program because you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight! I’ve done it. I’ve lost the weight so I know the program works! I’m back on my journey of eating my points and when I have a zero point meal my inner soul dances with excitement. And at night when I might my points or had left over points I would close my eyes in bed and say, my food struggle for the day is over, on to the next one. So, here’s to the next one and the next one. A healthy life is what we all want as humans and Weight Watchers is my tool to that!

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